The historical Moses - and a
dimension of new orientation |
Groundbreaking ... |
An influential and versatile
personality, the first prophet of the Bible: the historical Moses - is
presented by a full-scale-study by Ove von Spaeth.
As a writer, historian, and researcher, he has meticulous analysed many new
important findings and traced and investigated ancient significant clues:
a radical exploration that offers new orientations. His thoroughly
documented discovery series present an array of findings and concrete
results of the research.
According to
scientific reviews: this work is bound to be appreciated and argued about by
a broad international audience, which equally includes non-specialists as
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(From the introductions to vol.1:)
"...It might as well be said at once: This work probably renders the
most original, and in various ways most well supported offer for an
answer to the (Moses)question within modern research... - The author... has a
rare aptitude for passing on an extremely complex and sometimes not
very accessible subject matter in a vivid yet logically structured and
easily understood manner..."
"...one feels enriched as a human being, not just intellectually
enlightened, when he with unusual insight and understanding explains
the religious rationale behind innumerable phenomena of history as
well of the present time. Having read this work nobody will doubt the
obvious relevance to modern people of studying antiquity...".
Jens-André P. Herbener, M.A. in
comparative religion and Semitic philology; - Project leader at The
Royal Library of Denmark, of the
new scholarly translation into Danish of the Hebrew Bible (Old
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"...this work is inter-disciplinary to an exceptional degree,
based on extensive and thorough studies within history, theology,
archaeology, and the history of religion as well as the history of astronomy...
with zeal and flair Ove von Spaeth has collected evidence from
widely different sources to support his main thesis regarding Moses
and his status and place in history..."
"...From the
astronomical-historical point of view I
find the basic assumption of a certain planetary constellation in 1537
BC worth testing in relation to biblical research, Egyptology,
archaeology as well as general history... Ove von Spaeth has chosen a
vivid style in order to reach a wider circle of readers than mere
Kristian Peder Moesgaard, D.Sc.,
Professor, History of Science Department, Aarhus University; -
Director of the Steno Museum, Danish National Museum for the History
of Science, Aarhus
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(From the reviews of the book-series:)
"...The Danish researcher Ove von Spaeth does, in his book series:
"Assassinating Moses", set up a quite convincing theory ...I do not
necessarily agree in all von Spaeth's conclusions, but certainly no
researcher has ever come as close to the truth about Moses as he
Claus Fentz Krogh,
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(Viewpoints, investigating the historical Moses:)
"New Research on Moses: Fascination research done by a Danish
scholar into the historical Moses. While I may not necessarily
concur with some of Ove von Spaeth's conclusions regarding the
religion's aspects of Moses, I find his historical research into who
Moses was to be fascinating and possible very accurate. In the very
least, human flesh is put upon Moses by looking outside of biblical
traditions to place him in a wide historical setting."
Ray L. Kaliss, Writer, Researcher,

(From the
reviews of vol.1:)
"...What makes (...) the tale believable is the extent to which von
Spaeth has been able to assimilate a vast amount of information from a
wide variety of sources, utilizing research into Hebrew, Egyptian and
other contemporary language documents..."
"...This handsome
volume ...anyone with a non-specialist interest in these far-off times from a religious or
historical perspective will enjoy having this volume at hand ...Deserves an English
translation so that it can be appreciated and argued about by a broad international
Richard M. Stern, Dr.rer.Nat.,
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(From the
reviews of vol.1:)
"... Rarely has dating
been so clearly defined or the implications so fully underpinned in such
meticulous detail. - A presentation of detailed arguments and painstaking
analyses that contradict predominant theological trends. - Much more
prestige is at stake than immediately anticipated, because if Ove von Spaeth
is correct even only in the main features, many years of hegemonic
theological perceptions in this field are simply going to tumble like
dominoes. ... will encourage new breakthroughs and corrections for a long
time to come ...".
Rune Engelbreth Larsen, M.A. in
History of Ideas, and History of Religion, - Faklen Journal
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(From the reviews of vol.4:)
"... With his work Ove
von Spaeth has brought back one of the great personalities of history from the
misty world of myths - to which he has been relegated - now reinstalled into
sheer reality. But during this endeavour the author has also been able to prove
a very close connection between the ancient Egyptian perception of the world and
a modern perceived realistic initiation psychology, this breathing new life and
meaning into the gradually sectarian, petrified Christianity. In fact, via von
Spaeth the Moses of 3,500 years ago becomes a life-giving source for modern
The documentation
presented by von Spaeth is hard to escape. ... A fascinating world opens up
under Ove von Spaeth's magnifying glass
Jurij Moskvitin, M.A. in Philosophy,
Mathematician, and Writer, - Rio de Janiero and
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